Recommend me more space horror kinos like pic related

recommend me more space horror kinos like pic related

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there is really nothing like this desu. You cna try dead calm, funny enough also has Sam Neill in it but that isnt why I suggest it.

alien 1979


people wont agree with me but the deadspace aninated movies where okay
thats scifi with hell i honestly cant think of anything anything else apart from the rock in that one video game movie


God I love event horizon

Attached: fine fine.webm (1226x527, 2.73M)

try some low budget kino

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i lol'd

That movie was made like 25 years before that site even existed you dork

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such a reddit comment


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Prove me wrong

dark side of the moon 1990

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Sir, this is reddit

It's not about the age of the movie, the website not existing at the time is irrelevant, it's about the feel and tone of the movie, it's a safe movie that panders and appeals to a specific group of people, aka redditors. Guarantee anybody who puts alien in their top 5 also has other normie shit like terminator 2, back to the future, raiders of the lost ark and the dark knight

there is no dark side of the moon

Beyond the Aquila Rift.

Attached: Beyond the Aquila Rift-3.webm (1920x1080, 2.45M)

I loved it.

inb4 muh 3rd act.

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Kek, this guy keeps at it every thread

>Ninety-four percent of shield in full sunlight

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