Sometimes you eat the board and sometimes the board eats you

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Reminder this "cowboy" has lived in Oregon his whole life and never ridden a horse

It's called "acting"

There were/are cowboys in Oregon you shitter
Not everywhere in the state is Portland

was he meant to be god or something

Why do you turn this board into a house of lies?

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No but seriously
>Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you
The fuck is this supposed to mean?

he kinda looks like that fargo assassin

I guess it's another way of saying sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

i feel like i know what hes from but hes like alan tudyk and seems the same in everything so i jsut get muddled

What the fuck ya talking, man?

>jackie treehorn draws a lot oF dubs in my board

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Rewatching this as an adult is so good, this movie is actually hysterical in its plausible absurdity

We’ll that’s just like… Reddit’s movie, man

the boards eating shit today, the absolute state of that catalog

I like your style user.

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It means sometimes you get the dubs and lots of (yous) and sometimes your threads get deleted with no replies.

Sometimes you gape the tranny and sometimes the tranny gapes you

Highest concept slide thread I've seen in a while. Saged.

>Sometimes there's an user... I won't say mod, 'cause, what's a mod? But sometimes, there's an user. And I'm talkin' about Janny here. Sometimes, there's an user, well, he's the user for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that's the Janny, in /qa/.

Eastern Oregon is basically nothing but ranches

Those dubs really tied the thread together.


>first time viewing
>meh that was overrated but ok I guess
>second viewing
>every line is hysterical

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>Slide thread on Any Forums
What's being slid? A Marvel studios thread?

>third time viewing
>oh it kind of has a deeper philosophical context
>fourth time viewing
>oh its a representation of American politics
>fifth time viewing

Its true kino

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I read "beard" rather than "board" at first

>lust inciting image
>stupid statement that exploits the same logic as mobile game ads where the viewer is show something so dumb they feel the need to prove they can do better
>steers discussion into major media share holders IPs and actors drama instead of more in-depth discussion of older IPs that aren't earning them money.
>manufactures artificial image of "what people want".

It's just to make the quality of the board worse in general and attention on newer controversial potentially money making properties, it isn't just to stop threads about specific topics when there is a happening.