Movies that have been completely forgotten

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Daniel day Lewis filmography except for last of the Mohicans and the Scorsese flick.

and there will be blood
and lincoln
and phantom thread

ungrateful ape

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I remember seeing this on the Blacklist and being terribly, terribly disappointed.

I still dont know what movie is for Will Smith winning the best actor award.

can't remember any

I have a hard time believing this is a real movie

it's a movie about a crazy nigger who made his crazy nigger daughters rich and famous

DiCaprio is such a retard. There's something evil about looking at this guy, whos face supplied 90% of the film's box revenue and cost 50% of its budget, when you realize that millions of struggling actors could have done a better job. Democracy is a wonderful political system, but the arts suffer.

Best picture winner lmao

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To its credit it was the first real blockbuster to release in theaters during the pandemic, but still.

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I shill In The Name Of The Father if anyone ever mentions Schindler's List

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the intro is so fucking good

It would've been better remembered if it had proper audio mixing, and not a le scowling negro face main character people could actually invest in

you're right , I watched that movie and dont remember anything about it.

this one too.

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And most of other Young Adult movies

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This movie was filmed in Warrenton Virginia at a court house. I got to shake Clint Eastwood's hand when he was in his SUV after a weird ass fan was begging for a picture "please Mr. Eastwood, please, please let me take a picture Mr. Eastwood!". I will never forget this movie, even though it was a pretty shit toward the end.

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