I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular beer

I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular beer.

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The man never shot a kike in his life

Reminder that Nixon was a pedophile child rapist revealed by eyewitness testimony

"Well get those niggers voting democrat for the next fifty years"

That was LBJ, and it was 200 years


meds. now.

Why was Groening constantly seething at Nixon his entire life?

I BLEEPin hate this board so much...

Nixon was the Drumpf of Groening's day.

For American liberals of Groening's age, Nixon was what Trump is to current-day liberals.

A confirmed criminal defended by contrarian channers chuds?

Why was Nixon using federal resources to investigate his political enemies considered bad enough to forever tarnish his name but Obama doing the same thing is considered perfectly fine?


He was the one who made America China''s bitch


Could you be more cringe?

It's quicker than saying radicalized nazi sympathizing chinless 20 to 30 white incel nerd who'll commit a mass shooting sooner or later

Nixon was a literal criminal

you try too hard

Any Forums users. Also most people on this site who unironically defend zion don to this day are boomer/genx normalfag conservatives who unironically think that israel is le based and people who criticize them are heckin libtards who should go to jail for 600 years

Yeah, he could be you.