Did south park depict scientology accurately?

Did south park depict scientology accurately?
I actually have a lot of respect for scientology (because of tom cruise) but the way this show depicts it makes it really hard to see the point

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Scientology is a cult scam. I'll be the first to admit I used to really like south park albeit a lot of even the old stuff is kind of pozzed. Forget about it now obviously.


In what sense? Was it a fair critique? Yes. Do they really believe in Xenu? Yes. Was the depiction overly cartoonish and excessive just for the sake of style points? Also, yes.

Look at it as a way for celebrities to have all their money tax free by going through the church

I think the only thing they didn't show was how you remove the negative spirits from your body to become happy.

>I actually have a lot of respect for scientology

it’s a way to get films funded without bowing before jews

It's just an alternative Hollywood mafia/cult if you don't want to join the Jews or gays. Trey had no choice since Matt is half-Jew.

Get an E meter

Are you brain damaged?

>I actually have a lot of respect for scientology
what happened to my 4chin

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Except the church takes so much of their money it would defeat the purpose

Can any of us say our souls weren't imprisoned here by alien overlords millions of years ago?
That seems entirely plausible to me, honestly.

Probably watched some youtube documentary about how Any Forums went to war with Scientology so this was his big brain idea to make bait.

>Any Forums went to war with Scientology
never happened

The DC-8 being designed based on the genetic memory of alien souls being transported to be Earth alone is fucking hilarious

Yes it is pretty accurate. Scientology also has an irrational hatred of modern psychology but this means sometimes Tom Cruise does make valid criticisms of it and big pharma, but that doesn't mean you should join scientology.

Scientology is a cult
Mormonism is a cult

it’s basically simulation theory so i’m surprised reddit doesn’t love it

what even is a cult? I see redditors call christianity a cult, but not hinduism or buddhism. is a cult exclusively based around serving the head figure with sex or whatever? or is a cult something that isolates you from others?

Scientology is more sane and respectable than believing that men are women or that defunding the police doesn't lead to a rise in crime.

Cults are just religions you don't like, often with predatory practices like Scientology literally charging you money to learn what the fuck they even believe in. The whole Xenu saga is supposed to cost thousands of dollars to even get access to


It's protection against the joos.
That's why you have stars like cruise joining even though they're intelligent. What other cult runs Hollywood?

>excessive control over members
>not letting people leave
>organised around serving the interests of a singular person and worshiping the living leader of the cult
>usually make you cut contact with family and friends
Christianity is not a cult by any definition, non of the major religions really are. They give you guidelines to follow but accept you will break them and don’t punish you for it. You can leave at any time and they don’t impose restrictions on who you can talk to or what you do outside of your own life. Maybe you can accuse them of taking money to pay for some bishops new bentley though, but it’s not the same as making you worship a guy who gets to marry your 10 year old daughter.