What are your language learning goals?

What are your language learning goals?

Attached: typical white chinese learner.jpg (1080x1349, 217.06K)

I want to learn low german because muh ancestry but in too lazy for that

>has German ancestry
>is lazy

Attached: why guy doubt.jpg (282x415, 20.32K)

I want to find my love in China...

I want an asian gf so bad bros

EspaƱol, afterwards maybe Portuguese

4/10 yellow chick with a betacuck
Every single time

Portuguese first, Spanish later

You don't.

What about in Macau?

Learn german to understand PAL nintendo vidya.

Why does this happen so often?

Yeah you never see westoids with a gorgeous asian woman

Attached: MV5BMTYxNTUyMzkzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTkzNTEyMjE@._V1_.jpg (500x375, 31.12K)

>jew creating elliot rodger 2.0

Come live your myth in Macau, Macaco

Kelly is better looking

I'm in Macau

I'd rather have the one in OP than that one.

Those mainlanders,right?

Tell me honestly. Have you ever had sexual relations with a white male? If not, would you?
