I just finished watching Halloween (1978). What should I watch next?

I just finished watching Halloween (1978). What should I watch next?

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Halloween 2

Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)

Other classic slashers obviously

Prom Night

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The Halloween with Busta Rhymes where he kung fu fights Michael

Halloween II

Your feet dangling as you hang yourself

jamie's delicious tits in trading places

Halloween 2
Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
Halloween H20
The two Rob Zombie movies
None of the others

>Halloween 2
>Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
>Halloween H20
>The two Rob Zombie movies
>None of the others

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2 is decent. H20 isn't very good but it's the only thing that's an actual sequel to 1 and 2. Season of the Witch is interesting simply for showing how they tried to turn the series into some kind of anthology thing with different stories. The Rob Zombie movies are hit or miss but are worth watching as curiosities even if you don't end up liking them. The other sequels are simply bad.

Halloween 2. It's a direct sequel, picking up immediately at the end of the first movie and taking place on the same night, which is fairly unique with these kinds of sequels I think. The original had some special qualities that elevated it above a generic slasher, though, and Halloween 2 doesn't. It's good for what it is, though.

Now watch "Alice, Sweet Alice" to see what an actual high quality slasher kino is like

Halloween 2

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>It's a direct sequel, picking up immediately at the end of the first movie and taking place on the same night, which is fairly unique with these kinds of sequels I think
They did the same thing with Halloween (2018) to Halloween Kills, they were originally planning on doing the same thing with Halloween Ends and having the entire trilogy take place on the same night, but because of covid they had to abandon that idea.

This is primarily why I asked. So do I go for Halloween II or Halloween (2018)?

If you're only going to watch one of them then go for 2018, otherwise 2, 4, 2018 and Kills are all great and worth watching.

Is this scary?

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre.