This one inconsequential woman to the town was kidnapped, what are we going to do??

>this one inconsequential woman to the town was kidnapped, what are we going to do??
>I KNOW, me and the gang (meaning all the armed personnel in this town lmao) are gonna go after her and her kidnappers whom we have no idea as to what they look like, how many there are and how technologically advanced they are, but I have a good feeling everyone will make it!
What a steaming pile of shit of a plot point

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woman take

Yes that's how the native savages conceptualized their plan

Sorry you're not tough enough to understand what being a man is about OP. Go play your videogames.



>inconsequential woman
she was an upstanding woman who was married to an upstanding man and about to have his child. If you're not willing to protect her or defend her or rescue her then your town is worth shit

also either the towns only doctor or one of the few

Roe v. Wade hadn't been overturned yet so she could've aborted it anytime, you don't know if she would've! Invalid argument

Isn't Zahler one of these faux Conservative jews?

She was the town doctor who was taken while doing her job. And even if she wasn't what sheriff is going to be like lol I don't know where your wife went just forget about her crutch bro

in modern america, solidarity is a plot hole

>modern america is just an all psychopath battle royale for who ends up with the most money

>technological advantages
yea, the injuns got a rail gun mounted on the top of the hill that tracks and shoots white people

Not heard of this movie, but would not a smarter move, if a person was kidnapped by parties unknown, be to pay the ransom and either follow the guy who came to pick it up or if you didn't think you could pursue him while remaining hidden just abduct him and torture him to reveal where the woman was.

Honestly people in films never use their smarts.

>savages kill your negro, kidnap deputy and woman doctor
>they know the location of your town and might return
>the indian informs them that they are some savage breed living in caves
>only the husband and sheriff want to go because it's their duty
>backup deputy and indian-killer volunteer
>they send a telegram for someone to take over while they are gone

nice one retard

I also didn't watch it, but they could just solve their problem by sending a scout and if the opposition were too strong they'd call in the army to intervene or something. It's true mundane premises give way to mundane entertainment but I'd rather have a rational plot than an unrealistic one.

They weren't gonna ransom her they were gonna eat her

see it, it's kino

Americans using a Russian app? Kek not even in Hollyweird

>Just call in the army
Kek you fucking retard

she was kidnapped by a vengeful warrior tribe with no semblance of a financial system, they wouldn't have given shit about any bribe, they were going to torture her and murder her because she was a white settler

Just call in the army bro, unless you're a loser who doesn't have it on the speed dial lmao what a beta so y cuck

>technologically advanced they are
They were Indians, what fucking technology did you think they'd have

>send in the army
This was in the mid-1800s, so both communication and transportation would have taken days, if not weeks. She was pregnant and she was just kidnapped so time was of the essence so they couldn't afford to wait for the infantry to get there just so they could go collect her corpse

The plot gets kind of unrealistic as it progresses. It's a horror movie after all.

But the bit about forming a posse and going after wrong doers I think is realistic for the time.

>Honestly people in films never use their smarts
>Proceeds to give a solution to that makes zero sense to the plot

Top of the line carpets that would allow up to 5 smoke signals per second