When passing someone in your country, do you say "Hi" or "Good Morning?"

When passing someone in your country, do you say "Hi" or "Good Morning?"

Do you make eye contact with them? Do you ignore each other?

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if our eyes meet i smile and say "how's it going?" or something like that


That's insane

We make eye contact, smile and nod and say "G'day" "Howsitgarn?" or "hey". Adding "mate" is optional, depending on who it is and the circumstance.

Anything more than accidental eye-contact and quickly averting your eyes is considered harassment

I usually don't say anything, most people don't because someone may beat you if you randomly greet them so it's better to avoid it altogether

Don't say a word.

>What not being Australian is like
Sad! Do you at least say hi to strangers when you cross them on a hike?

>Do you at least say hi to strangers when you cross them on a hike?
I bludgeon them to death with my killing hammer and then shove them into their car's boot.

you ever used your non-killing hammer by accident in the heat of the moment?

It's easily done, but I usually keep that one in the shed.

You and Ivan Milat would get along swimmingly

People will think you're crazy if you say those

It's called living in a friendly nation. I do the same as the BR user you replied to.

Morning, hi, or 'hi you alright?' and smile at them.

if you say hi to a random person you'll get beat up

(except for neighbors)

We don't do that. We sit in our shoebox and post on Any Forums

depends where you are.
in cities / urban areas you don't say anything.
I'll reply g'day in suburbs / rural.
holiday places, it doesn't work because its full of cityfags

Friendliest country in the Balkans