Which is a better a series?

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FMA 2003 while flawed is an interesting series that merits discussion. Invincible is a generic teen shlock that uses gore to give it a thin veneer of maturity.

How are these even comparable?

one is good the other is only good when omiman is on screen

If you rewatch invincible (don't do it) you're going to notice that all the characters act exactly like they are in a children's superhero cartoon
they literally wrote a children's cartoon and just added swearing and gore to it

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ITT pathetic incel manchildren

Fma isn't Any Forums brainlet.

I haven’t seen Invincible but are these shows really comparable?

I never liked Invincible. Some of the stuff is legit cringe and I can't believe people take it seriously.

i never seen fma 2003 but I. know brotherhood is better because it's based on the manga, even though i didn't read the manga

FMA 2003 but these are nothing alike bruh

They're both made animated and are aimed at late teen/early 20s demographics.

Not at all. OP is just being a fucking retard.

How is Sneed comparable to Bane? Yet we compare them nonetheless.

that’s different


>what if superman was... le bad???!??!?
can't think of a genre further up its own ass than this particular one

Is evil superman its own genre now?

if you can't articulate what you don't like about something, just call it "it's own genre" and you don't have to explain yourself.

the first part of the 2003 anime is more in line with the manga from what I recall, its just due to it airing before it was finished it pretty much did it owns thing which was way off to what the actual ending was which brotherhood fixed

Invincible is edgy bullshit which adds gore and vulgar words for the sake of attracting attention

Comic shit literally can not compare to anime, ESPECIALLY not something like 2003 fma that was aesthetically near-perfect and well done for an adaption that couldn’t rely on the source material for what was left in the story.

It is insane to even compare the two, capeshit is so meaningless and devoid of anything of value happening, you have to be retarded to think it can compare. Who in the fuck actually thinks that dozens of comic series where the mc doesn’t die, he doesn’t lose, he doesn’t do anything we don’t expect him to do can be better than something like satoshi kon movies or shin sekai yori. The storytelling is so far beyond anything in capeshit, literally who in the fuck even finds the two comparable. Even a garbage, entry level, bottom of the barrel show like dragon ball z has more interesting narratives than any comic book show.