We're fucked

We're fucked

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was it based

How will fucking over poor Americans defeat a Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Russia is just going to stay there for the next several decades. It's not even war anymore, it's just slavs napping in mud trenches.


the price hikes will continue until morale improves

Russia has been playing the long game since the late 1940s. They will occupy eastern Ukraine for 20 years if they have to.

I hope we get to see him die on live tv

Yes Timmy from Ohio must suffer cause a country that has nothing to do with us is sad

Zelensky the billionaire needs your tax money and the worlds poor going hungry is a price worth paying to help him keep his NATO proxy state with armed Nazis

television and film?

the war creates jobs for the US defense industry and Europe is going to be buying American energy instead of Russian energy.

You're dumb if you think this isn't good for us.

No-one said Democrats are intelligent or that make any of their policies make sense

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Whos us?


Americans. Especially those who work in any companies with links to defense.

so glowniggers and kikes

i'm not even american and i hope the democrats get demolished in the mid terms. i do feel a shift in the people too, we are all starting to give less of a shit about social issues and the whole shitfight with russia and china and more about our individual economies. If you all go full retarded however and continue electing more dems that fuck up the economy even more which in turns affects europe and america at large then fuck it i'm siding with china.

Chud thread

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The slime balls are trying to blame it on the war when the prices were soaring before it even began.

>dude politics lmao
normies get out

>mutts send their own kids to die for literally 20 years straight
>don’t care
>mutts have to put up with slightly higher gas for 2 years over an actually important war they themselves did not start and don’t have to die in
>seethe at the president and foam at the mouth in rage
You guys are so fucking stupid and backwards and retarded I don’t know how you managed to even get this far.

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