What's the best episode?

What's the best episode?

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Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design

The one with the Dean directing a commercial for the college. People are likely gonna say the D&D ep but I've never seen it because for some reason netflix cut it from the show.

Terrible show.
6 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 1 > 4

The one with Annie's boobs

Chang did black face. That's why.

No he didn't, he did Drow face. The joke was he didn't realize it might be taken the wrong way.

the one with 6 different timelines

I know, I'm just saying that's why the ep is missing.

I tried to watch one episode cause i liked the dude from Talk Soup and the obnoxious nigger woman is just an obnoxious nigger woman . I hate obnoxious nigger women. I hate niggers.

The forbidden episode that they are no longer allowed to stream/sell.

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This episode was removed but the episode where Pierce actually does brownface and dresses up as an Indian stays on. Ridiculous.
This is my favorite

shes easily the least interesting of the group even without accounting my rascism.
She also has the least episode plots about her.
My favorite episode is Intergluteal numismatics, the whole episode is shot like a detective drama

I like Cooperative CalAligraphy.

>Terrible show
>I watched all seasons though
Kek every time

DnD episode
The pen episode
Any episode with Chase

Chaos Theory.
Too bad the rest of the season was shit and I dropped it.

Season 4 is the only one I couldn't finish. It just felt off. I know Harmon wasn't there but was it really just that? Isn't writing a collaborative effort?

Yes, and Harmon by his own admission isn't a gag writer, but as showrunner you have the power to veto jokes, scenes, or the way characters may develop over the course of the show. So all that power to decide what makes the cut or not was handed over to someone else with a different vision of what the show should be.

You can still see the episode on Amazon Prime

The show is a solid but below average sitcom. It barely degraded over time. It was always okay at best
ive seen most sitcoms

Drows are hate speech, chud

why does everyone focus on harmon. the russos weren't there either.
it turns if the good showrunner and good directors leave your show, it suffers. wow what a surprise.
season 4 looks like fucking shit. no one ever brings this up.

the halloween episode and christmas episode from s1 are pure komedy kino