Official ranking of relevant cunts

official ranking of relevant cunts

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the rest

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we aren't soft

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*soft doms you*

united states is collasping real time which is nice

medbros we are so fucking back

>Singapore at 20
Laughing my fucking ass of.

>Soft power
Wut? Apart from manufacturing, what soft power do they have? Especially above Japan?

>Soft power
Lmao you can tell this was made by a Euro tankie

What metric is "soft power" measured in?

Why are Sweden and Switzerland above us? The netherlands has a lot more people than those countries

No? You're all literal who's. Name one international sensation to come from the Netherlands

Link of the study :

>international sensation
What does this have to do with being a soft power?

What is German soft power?

Attached: 1634462969021.jpg (600x407, 60.5K)

China makes sense now. They have absolutely no cultural soft power after what they did to Hong Kong cinema. Financially however they are a power house.

Large economy, lots of export and finances

When you think soft power you think Marvel, Anime, the Beatles, Australia in the 80s, whatever. Cultural sensations. I don't think anyone is clamouring for Zwarte Piet

>He thinks soft power is just le epic pop culture.
Soft Power also includes the ability to influence another country's financial/economic direction through non-coercive/forceful memes, something that the Chinese market & financial sectors & investors is very capable of looking at their activities in thirdie countries. Soft power can be based on positive feelings like people loving Japan for its products/anime, but it could also be based on fear like Westoid corporations saying sorry to China in fear of getting locked out its markets.

>UK at number 2

I shall repost this forever despite it being bullshit probably

You can make an argument for Spains soft power but its carried hard by South America.

>influence another country's financial/economic direction through non-coercive/forceful memes, something that the Chinese market & financial sectors & investors is very capable of
Are you fucking serious? China. THE economic imperialists who use debt traps and economic threats to coerce other countries. Yeah right. Defo yellow shill territory here.

You're fucking retarded if you think all of that defines a soft power
Read the pdf linked above before making another post

Your unique unit in civ 3 is literally a Swiss Mercenary. Sea Jews (Dutch) kneel to mountain Jews (Swiss).

Attached: swiss mercenary.png (285x636, 31.49K)

>saying sorry to China in fear
Also, its not fear. No one is scared of China. We're annoyed by them. They just need to shut up, sit down and be the trading partner that they were always meant to be. No big ambitions. Countries "apologise" to China because they don't want to go through the hassle of a trade war.

Lol what a bunch of bullshit

Poof even then you've got no soft power. Having some buildings in The Hague doesn't make you relevant. No one gives a fuck about the Netherlands. You're completely overshadowed by Germany.

This is a really poorly written study, nothing about this is scientific. It's all speculation. If I wrote something like that I would not be able to publish it anywhere, it's that bad

>debt trap
Meme. It isn't China's fault that thirdie countries (mine included) have supercorrupt leaders who get into more and more expensive af loans & deals with China to the point that they're unable to pay them back.

Besides its shit economics too.