We invented dragons, trolls, elves, dwarves and undead

We invented dragons, trolls, elves, dwarves and undead.
What has your country contributed to fantasy?

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my sex life

You inventred nothing.
You are a bunch of barbaric primitive island savages.

Youre just mad we found the gold you hide inside of the whales

You literally invented none of those things

Dragons are present in all cultures, but fair enough for the rest, though other Europeans have native counterparts to all of those.

Baba Yaga (John Wick)

also Koschei the deathless (Lich)

>troll and draugr are literally ripped from icelandic

snownig shit is lame

you didn't invent shit. there is no proof of it, written or otherwise.

Their original language is proof, the english names are just new age shit

These myths all existed before Iceland even was settled.

Dragons for example is an Anglo-Saxon thing and Icelandic saga writers didnt really know how to write them. Compare the huge destructive and fire spewing dragon of Beowulf (a story written down way before any of the Icelandic sagas), and the flying flies of Icelandic lying sagas that a saga hero could drag down by pulling its tail.

Give me one example of a dragon done right in Icelandic sagas. Icelandic sagas have trolls and draugs as monsters. Though trolls as depicted for example in Tolkien are more close to the trolls of Norwegian fairytales and not Icelandic ones. Elves in Tolkien are from the English tradition and Dwarves are closer to the German tradition.

Black elves
Black dwarves
black trolls
Black undean
black dragons

Imagine being an assassin and having your nickname referrencing be an old crony witch.

Every norwegian saga is icelandic since the auther was icelandic.
Better write your own shit next time

I was refering to Norwegian folktales, not king sagas. Why are you changing the subject, or are you so ignorant you dont know the difference?

My country is a mix of all other countries so all fantasy is mine :)

I know right

And your name is Jardani Jovanovich, you are from Belarus and you look like Keanu Reeves

This is what americans really believe

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Banshees, Halloween, Dracula, headless horsemen, leprechauns

all that trash and I still play human males

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These were fun

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