Show about a criminal organisation

>Show about a criminal organisation
>Barely shows any crime

Fat guy with a speech impediment goes to therapy: The Show.

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hey be nice he's italian...

Has anyone made a fan edit that cuts everything out except the mob scenes?
Would be kino.

>barely shows any crime
seem to recall a gargantuan amount of crime in every episode in every scene, OP, but i could be wrong

>every scene was about the mafia
yep, you're wrong

>Tony strangles a known rat while on college tour with his daughter
>Tony kills the guy who tried to kill Christopher
>Tony shoots his cousin with a shotgun (Buscemi)
>Tony kills Big Pussy cause he's a rat
>Tony stomps Coco's skull in with a curbstomp because he flirted with his daughter
>Tony orders multitude of hits on rivals and relatives

The fuck are you talking about there's barely any crime?

>heh, you know that thing that's really good? Well it's actually bad!
Why are zoomers so creatively bankrupt when it comes to baiting? I feel like we were so much better at it.

There's literally an unrealistically excessive amount of crime because if the show was true to life about the mafia from the late 90s to mid 2000s it would be boring as fuck. Violence is rare and murder is a last resort nowadays

Wow, 6 notable scenes, one per season!!!, fuck off.

unironically the nonsensical boomer humor schooled millenials / X on how to think laterally

It's based on FBI agents involved in the Gotti case who revealed how Mobsters did very little criminal activity from day to day, and mainly did stuff like talk about their health problems, ate, etc..

The show isn't about a criminal organization. Tony is the main character.

>I'm having good luck with Swiss basics moisturizing formula..

>with a speech impediment
Such as? Im esl but he speaks fine to me, just a weird accent

These posts make my head hurt.

James' tongue is always getting in the way.
It disappears more into the seasons as he ditches his natural voice and finds a voice of Tone's own.

Somehow I enjoy watching 0 characters in this show.

You didnt like Paulie? I love this cunt

I like learning more about Tony's life and background as the show goes on, but I come from a dysfunctional family, so.

i unironically like the family drama more over the mob scenes

specially the kids and carmela

>Likes the sopranos
>Lacked a proper father figure


Watch it, chrissy.

doesn't he run over some deadbeat gambler and break his leg in the second scene of the show

if you are only there for the crime then you missed the point of the show good bait though

My dad was a bit of a dick but it could've been worse. I just grew up in an Irish household with a lot of aggression is all.

one of the reasons i dislike the 6th season is cause the show focus too much on the mob thing

No. They had coffee.

How can they do so much killing when they’re Catholic?

The same reasons why muslims are liars and manipulators (not mentionning drug dealers and stealers) despite fasting an entire month every year