So are the zoomer incels that stan Ryan Gosling aware that this movie even exists?

So are the zoomer incels that stan Ryan Gosling aware that this movie even exists?

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yep. one of the best shot films ever. also really boring and uninteresting plot

>Calls others zoomers
>Uses stan as a verb

This is one of the movies ever made


>also really boring and uninteresting plot

Kino film

Attached: B87350E0-9932-4895-894C-20F5EDD1E8E0.jpg (736x1859, 145.9K)

More proof BR 2049 is Blade Runner for the ADHD audience.

He's literally me. And yes, I do listen to sadboi midwest emo and have a funko pop collection.

Attached: blade_runner_2049_screengrab_YouTube.png (600x300, 167.17K)

Ford's scenes where the character is getting hit is downright terrible acting. So bizarre. Only real flaw in the movie imo

As the hours pass I will let you know

I love Blade Runner.
2049 is better in every way.

Its such a bad movie. The epitomy of empty popcorn trash.
And fuck the poster, always makes me think its a trains movie.
>also really boring and uninteresting plot
That's because the filmmakers cut out all the important characters and plot points in favor of pew-pew action shite. So there's nothing of any substance in the movie

> also really boring and uninteresting plot
get out.

Attached: 1651098539534.webm (1110x534, 2.94M)

>And fuck the poster, always makes me think its a trains movie.

But why did Deckard rape Rachel? I don't get it. Also Deckard is confirmed to be a replicant by Scott right?

Both movies suck :)
2049 is better though

>Also Deckard is confirmed to be a replicant by Scott right
That's just Ridley Scott's headcanon. Literally no one else that worked on the movie agrees that Deckard's a replicant.

Ford was exacerbated when Sean I think.

I'm waiting for the briefcase release of 2049

Its not an actual critique of the movie, there's plenty of actual bad things about it. But the "buildings" on the poster look like trains and I think "oh fuck yeah trains movie" but then remember there's no trains in this shit.
Because like I said the filmmakers were idiots who didn't get the story. The scene is supposed to be Rachel seducing Rick to get him out of the business like countless bounty hunters before him. But in the film why does the scene exist? She isn't seducing him, there's no moral dilemma because he doesn't have a wife, he had no reason to meet her because Pris doesn't look like her. So what's the point?