There's a place in Italy called latina...

There's a place in Italy called latina, yet new worlders want me to believe that latina/latino is short for latino americano. Why do they cope so hard?

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It's actually called Latinx

Your puppets renamed it like that. The original name wasn't this cringy.

Who puppets

>Who puppets
Yours. He literally spelled it out for you. "Your puppets" - Y-O-U-R P-U-P-P-E-T-S. Are you retarded or are you retarded? And it's "whose," not "who" dumb mutt.

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It's a city built on the drained pontine marshes during the fascist period and populated with venetian farmers
It's ugly as fuck though, I don't know what the fuck were they thinking while projecting it

Who are my puppets?

Check your hands

What about them?

Just do it.

I did

Now you know

Now I know what?

Thas rite

Attached: la-rrraza.jpg (2000x1392, 816.57K)

Your puppets

reddit board.

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It's widely known that Rome was established by Incan kangs Remuz and Romucoatl. Latin America is the original Latium. Stop whitewashing history and deal with it.

Pretty sure Italians are brownwashing it

>portrait of a modern Italian family

Modern Italian family is career woman with dog

On my way.

you literally described my italian teacher lol