There's actually many Christians in Sweden. Don't listen to them when they say they're atheists...

There's actually many Christians in Sweden. Don't listen to them when they say they're atheists. You just need to go out of their urban shitholes.

Attached: 640px-Flag_of_Sweden_(pre-1906).svg.png (640x400, 462)

The opinion of rural retards doesn't matter

Good post

For once I will agree with the american. And also this post was so based I'd actually let him fuck me.

cool fucking flag

half true
most christians here are immigrants

Yes. And they're pretty annoying. Although I suppose most people actually are Christian in that they won't say they're atheists and have been baptized.

I wish we still used it. The only reason the hue changed was because it was hard to distinguish in b/w footage.

>the proper flag of sweden with the right shade of blue
Thank you for posting this. Our current flag is a fake one, symbolizing a fake illegitimate regime.

I was reading a book from a Brazilian writer in 1970s Sweden and he met a conservative Catholic journalist who was afraid of expressing his worldview for fear of social suicide.

Most christians here are assyrians and arameans.

Catholics haven't been welcome here for 500 years, retard. We've committed genocide against them.


Shame on you. Sweden would've been better equipped today to deal with multiculturalism/mass migration without the Reformation

Shut up Chang. Nobody cares about you. Go grill a dog or kill your child or something.

Attached: 44444.jpg (1176x280, 63.77K)

There are cities and areas with lots of unironic christians sure, native swedes that is

But there is also a big cluster south of stockholm where tons of arab christians live

there are no arab christians

middle eastern, arab, phoenician, berber, turk
same difference

the difference can save your life

Thank to the protestant heresy swedes are now a bunch of atheist degenerates addicted to homosexuality, this country must be destroyed for the good of humanity

stop samefagging idiot

Do Christian Arabs behave better than their Muslim counterparts?

no because there are no christian arabs
there are christian assyrians, arameans, chaldeans e.t.c.