They put children in the gas chamber and think they are normal European countries like France, Italy or Belgium

They put children in the gas chamber and think they are normal European countries like France, Italy or Belgium

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vgh, the infamous swiss child gas chambers

Federal Republic of European Nations.

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>germans genocide poles less than 100 years ago
>germany acts as the moral authority of europe today
>poland is seen as a bigot country
fucking lol

Stop including Switerland with them. Swiss aren't barbarians.


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>Zat is quite enough, user. You vill step into ze gas chamba now.
What do????

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How much are you paying?

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>ummmm your ancestors were heckin problematic and toxic so that makes you evil

That is called solving the problem before it develops into a problem.

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But weren’t those… dare i say it… polish concentration camps?

It has been debunked. Germans built them themselves and managed them themselves on German conquered lands.

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Howard Hamlin?

Germany got hijacked by nihilism and its rich elite class banked rolled Hitler because they wanted all that money they used to have before inflation.

When the war was over its elite class just stayed afloat and normal people got fucked over as usual.

I used to make a lot of German hate threads but I got heavily into Nietzsche and he predicted all of this. So yeah I do sympathize with them now.

You should also read Mein Kampf unironically. It's surprisingly insightful.

Is it worth it tho? I've made it through a few pages and due to a really awful writing style, I thought it was really a meme book.

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I read it in one afternoon. Can't be worse than yet another Any Forums thread reading the same things over and over again

4chin schizos >> Hitler

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1) Belgium Isn't a country
2) Italy was part of the Axis
3) see

The book is basically the highlights of insightful threads mixed with compassionate green text stories about his life as an everyday Austrian working at construction sites infested with socialists and the like. 10/10