There's a 6 to 10-second flight time so you have to shoot at where the target's going to be. Even the Coriolis effect...

>There's a 6 to 10-second flight time so you have to shoot at where the target's going to be. Even the Coriolis effect, the spin of the Earth, comes into play.

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The Cornholio effect is real

If I would be on that plane, this Coriolises wouldn't even happened

Snipers account for moving targets, but I doubt they actually calculate the spin of the earth into their shot. Sounds like bullshit to me.

They do. At 800m, depending on in which direction you're shooting it can be + or - 1 feet in drop with .308

Nigga got X-ray vision

>Snipers account for moving targets, but I doubt they actually calculate the spin of the earth into their shot. Sounds like bullshit to me.
This scene make sense if it’s secretly about something else, like “rods from god”

easy just aim at their midsection it hits either the head or the nuts

So if I jump off the ground why doesn't the earth move beneath me?

why do you mix meter and feet

It's science bro

how do you know it doesn't

I can smell the bullshit from behind my screen, pathetic larper.

it moves beneath you whether you jump or not, idiot.

why doesn't the mafia use snipers

cause I am euro, 800m is fairly easy to comprehend even for the dumb mutts but saying roughly 30cm is too big brain for your puny negroid nigger brains so had to switch units mid sentence and resort to feet cause you bubba your shit like that

kek, anyone have the image/pasta

>but I doubt they actually calculate the spin of the earth into their shot. Sounds like bullshit to me.
It's for shooting at like 1-2 km or more. At those ranges you might even account for humidity. They don't need to do calculations on the fly, if they've prepared cards beforehand that have the necessary adjustments calculated and written down.

Ooo naughty you've mixed metric and imperial

if he was on that plane the bullet would have gone down differently

Most don't have to, but artillery men definitely do.

Because I land in the same spot