Joe Turkel dead at 94

Some of his best known roles were Dr. Tyrell in Blade Runner and the bartender in The Shining.

Attached: Joe_Turkel.jpg (2048x1390, 265.1K)

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Say it ain't so, Joe

>creepy old white man dies
Ok??? We supposed to care?

Holy shit I didn't realize the bartender was Tyrell this entire time.

That opinion should be...corrected


>2 minutes and no sticky


Revel in your time!

>Commerce is out goal here at Tyrell. More Human than Human is our motto. Rachel is an experiment, nothing more.
>Now, what can I get you?

oh no

Didn't know he was still alive.

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He is the best part of blade runner without a doubt

Attached: 2f2b13b5d11ffcc569b3c9127d1fd042.jpg (1600x667, 61.51K)

RIP, underrated actor.

Joe Turkelbros...

And people say it's unrealistic that Superman can disguise himself with nothing but a pair of glasses.


Logically, Superman could disguise himself easily if other than the glasses he changed his haircut or wore baggy clothes that hid his physique.
In the cartoons Superman and Clark Kent looked literally identical, and it was ridiculous that nobody noticed this 6'5 gigachad with the body proportions that only Superman has looking exactly like him

Damn, he was good in this one too.