What do you think when you see this flag?

What do you think when you see this flag?

Attached: R (10).jpg (4250x2900, 1.38M)

Vierte Reich

Europe's last hope fucked by De Gaulle



germans frozen in ice blocks

My subjugates :)


Brotherhood. Superiority.


Those elves in the Witches series who live in the woods like hobos on the brink of extinction and still act like they're the peak of civilization and are rude towards humans who are far superior.

Italy, Ireland, Estonia, etc.

ass cancer


Ironic historical parallels that only I care about.

Attached: Congo Free State.png (1920x1280, 26.57K)

a giant onion ring

right now the EU is in the perfect middle ground of crappiness
they need to either disband or become the united states of europe

Benelux, Germany, France, Italy.

Cuckerism, weakness and faggotry

Such things take time. USA didnt happen over night and even then it was more natural as people spoke the same language mostly had the same culture etc

>become the united states of europe
this is what we need to do
>Benelux, Germany, France, Italy.
that's the core
we should also be the ones to push ahead with federalization if the others aren't willing
Macron is right with calling for a multi-speed Europe

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i don't think about them at all

German project, just like NATO

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I see this flag every time I go outside, everything that was funded by the Eurofunds has a giant sign saying ''funded by the Eurofunds'' and bunch of info about the project. So to answer the question

>What do you think when you see this flag

I think that my country would be fucked along with other Eastern European countries without them

Attached: reklamna tabula_05.jpg (600x450, 71.57K)

We have those here as well, except none of the money goes for actual development and instead ends in a select few people's pockets.

Fuck Europe and its weak people who are happy with mediocrity

After the next election we will also experience this kek