Movies about female loneliness?

Movies about female loneliness?

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Lost in Translation

The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
You are allowed to bring one random film with you.

She could get laid anytime anyplace the moment she hit 13. Female loneliness doesn't exist.

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit


Imagine kidnapping her off the street and forcing her to take yakuza dick every waking hour of the rest of her life until she's a minbroken cockhound

Carrie is the only one I can think of.

Attached: 761122_ra626.jpg (1951x1951, 471.39K)

ok but who took the picture????
she got boyfriend?

it orbits the center of the galaxy

Welcome to the dollhouse

I haven't had a real friend since before elementary school. What can a woman know of this

your mother orbits my cock

If she's so lonely, who is taking her picture, huh?

>attractive woman
lol, lmao even

Attached: laughingwhores.webm (1388x772, 1.77M)

>the moment she hit 13
Oh please.

with a fuckable pussy you can't possibly be lonely, don't @ me

me mum just called me based

an object needs to have sufficient mass for other objects to orbit ityrk88

what about ugly ones

>Sex magically fixes loneliness
Hmm, I wonder if this user has ever had sex before?

Thinking the same thing

You can save her user

Attached: 1651688590153.webm (720x360, 1.91M)

it's not even just sex, women are given social proof for their entire lives and can do/say whatever stupid cringey bullshit they want and are given a pass for it

they can be lonely, but they dont have to

negros exist

Ugly women get fucked regularly by Chad just by virtue of existing because Chad loves dumpster diving when he's bored. Ugly women will never get valuable relationships unless they actually date to their level, but they can still get guilt free, trail free sex with greek gods every once in a while if they leave themselves out there.

Imagine that. Ugly women can get purely through "being there." As an ugly male, you have little to no hope of ever even touching a woman unless you perform excellently to your role, whatever your role is. This is the way of the world. Good luck.

you can tell she got wet

>hot female
the greatest of myths