Main character makes eye-contact with girl at a bar

>main character makes eye-contact with girl at a bar
>cut to black and him fucking her brains out in the next scene

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The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
You are allowed to bring one random film with you.

You mean it hasn't happened to you?

Hard to relate, OP?

>main character makes eye-contact with girl at a bar
>cut to black and him stabbing her to death in the next scene

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Africa Adio

>What does a girl like you doing in a place like this?

>guy finishes having sex with girl
>falls off of her as the two start heavily panting
>girl pulls covers up to make sure her boobs aren't visible
>guy just lays there and doesn't immediately go to take a piss
Has no one in hollywood ever actually had sex or something?

>character has sex
Bit unrealistic if you ask me.

I'm certain this happens to sex-havers all the time.

never had sex why do you need to take a piss after sex?

Female juices get into your dickhole and you have to flush them out or you can get a yeast infection,

When normies talk about their sexual experiences this is literally what it sounds like. They just mention the first time they showed up on each others' radars and then where and how they fucked, everything that happened inbetween is just protocol and completely superfluous

Pisses out all the sex fluid.

Fellowship of the Ring

I'm 30 and literally never had a woman admit to being attracted to me

>character doesn't immediately get up and go to the bathroom to wash off his dick so it doesn't get crusty

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>Be me
>Make eye contact with girl at bar
>The sheer force of my chad energy literally teleports us into her bed, our clothes immediately dematerializing

Why would she admit to something that isn't true?
It's not even unrealistic you're just ugly

Same and I was in a 3 year relationship, she never once said I'm good looking or physically attractive

literally me

Women hardly admit that to anyone. Do you think women regularly tell men that they find them attractive?

to blast the leftover cummies from your dick
I piss after jerking off too

is the film random or do I get to pick it?

I can tell you never had Chad friends

Vaginas are one million times more prone to infections. If anything the girl would be the one going to piss after sex

One time I had an intoxicated 6/10 black chick suck me off in my car after just meeting me at a bar 5 min ago, it was pretty cash ngl. Only time it's ever happened to me though.

never mind I'll fuck off

Men and women should both piss after sex. In fact you should both clean your genital area.

Why does everyone on this board pretend to be chad?
We know you're semen slurping faggots so fuck off!

I've never even have a woman check me out before

>Why does everyone on this board pretend to be chad?
>We know you're semen slurping faggots so fuck off!

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>girl doesn't clean the cum out of her pussy and just lets it leak onto the sheets
Why are girls in movies so nasty bros

Women should piss during sex

Men should piss on women at all times of the day.

>Why does everyone on this board pretend to be chad?
Are you new here or something? Half the people itt are saying they are kissless virgins and the other half are being sarcastic.

My ex used to like to cuddle for a long time afterwards with my cum inside her
I knew she was going to break-up with me when she started instantly going to squeeze it out into the toilet after sex

My first gf used to like me to pull out and jizz all over her, and she would just let it dry on her and on her sheets and would sleep in it. Kinda gross but also kinda hot.

yeah its really lazy filmmaking skipping the seduction part

I like the thought of a girl keeping my cum inside her, but it usually ends up with me rolling over into a big ol puddle of my cum later that night. I wonder if I could invent some sort of pussy plug to keep the cum from leaking out. Might even help with fertility.