Start seeing girl

>Start seeing girl
>Show her a bunch of my favorite movies and she really likes them, wants to see more
>Feel like I've struck gold, finally found someone who genuinely shares my interests
>Show her Demonlover, a movie I love deeply
>It makes her uncomfortable and now she only wants me to show her lighthearted shit

Why the fuck are women seemingly incapable of engaging with violent or upsetting art, everyone I've dated just wants to watch movies that coddle them.

Attached: Demonlover-1600x900-c-default.jpg (1600x900, 120.33K)

This is why I stopped trying early on in life. It's not just women, though they do have some uniquely retarded opinions: most normies do not want to think about the media they consume. If something is too challenging or ambiguous they just turn off. My current girlfriend doesn't even watch movies, which is for the best because she's the kind of person who hates any film that doesn't spell everything out for her and have a happy ending.

I thought I stumbled upon a movie thread on the movie board, but it's just incel babble!

Should have started with Boarding Gate before Demonlover

My fiancée is retarded as tits and she flat-out refused to watch Eastbound and Down, season two of which came out when I was in a very dark time of my life and it really saved me and helped me deal with my grief and upsetting things. She immediately found Kenny Powers unlikable and whined until I turned the first episode off.
I've shown her other things despite my apprehension and she's responded very positively, from Banshee to Review to Better Off Ted to Fringe, which she's marathoning now. It's a crap shoot with hos and the best thing is to not bank on them responding some which way. They're not like us and shouldn't be expected to be.

Attached: 1649518970204.jpg (963x591, 272.92K)

She’s 9

Women like to rewatch Futurama and shit while tuning out on their phones.

I don't care for your thread but your pic reminded me that Gina Gershon is going to appear in the new season of Chucky, and i think that's neat.

Attached: chucky new season.jpg (680x670, 153.51K)

You'll find one eventually my friend. Mine loves the edgy shit and despises capeshit though I could never get her into the Ernest movies or PeeWee (our kids love them). She says that "type" makes her cringe, like second hand cringe. Says the same about Always Sunny but that's too bad and she's starting to come around


I don't like violent or upsetting art eirher and I'm a man. Different people have different preferences. It's not like I can't handle it, smell of corpses in morgues don't bother me and I can watch mexican cartel amputation decapitation videos without squirming or feeling bad. It's just I'd much ratjer be spending my time appreciating beauty and happy things.

Who cares? The only person thats going to have the same taste and interests as you is some fat autistic man.

Should have shown her some generic pretty boy serial killer movie. She would have liked it.

This. Misery porn is for broken people that enjoy the suffering of others.

why would you want to watch things that are violent and upsetting, and what is wrong with you that you think it's a problem that someone else wouldn't want to watch those things

Some people don't want to watch distressing things. My childhood was horrifying enough so i don't watch those kinds of movies
no i don't watch capeshit either

My gf literally only watches romcoms and Kevin James tier shitty comedies, makes me want to kms

this guy is engaged and still a virgin lmao

Honestly man Eastbound and Down is really a show targeted towards just millenial guys though. I would never expect anyone else to like that show, unless they said they were a fan of other comedy stuff like maybe Step Brothers

Do you really not see how someone can not like a show about an unlikable asshole but like a bunch of basic cable shows from the early 00's?

Plenty of women watch "comfort" shows and movies because they can't handle the anxiety of not knowing what's going to happen next.