
Cast him.

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I don't think there are any central asian actors of note right now, so it'd have to be a fresh face.


Pozzed woke tranny shit. Kill yourself.

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I am sure Chinahood must have some good masculine actors.
I never quite got why Mongol types werent more popular in films

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Don't know what's woke about 40k. Illuminate me.

troons also breathe air
lead by example nigger

gotta be that dude who's Wong in Doctor Strange
he was pretty good as Kublai Khan

Idlis Erba

Touched a nerve, 40kiddo?

He's not exactly beefy, just fat.


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This. 40k is fucking cringe these days, even outside the woke pandering. Primaris cancer was the last straw for me.

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a nerve?
a single freak is a fan, and you're willing to discredit an entire franchise
I'm not upset, just calling it like I see it

Cast him.

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You mean, senior writer on their flagship video game.

>Troonhammer 41%

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Name a single more based reply from a large corp

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Maybe don't dress up like a nazi when going to a 40k game lol

Why is modern 40k art so fucking soulless and shit?

at least the primaris have normal fucking legs instead of those weird stubs that forces an unnatural pose.

all the primarchs are genetic clones of the emperor, khan isnt asian just because he crash landed on the mongol planet

I didn't know that, but I stand by it
the black library and setting in general is kino, and a troon making a game I won't play doesn't affect me
everyone knows GW are retards



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40k has built in anti poz
Only play dark eldar, if anyone asks details talk about how your cabal kidnaps humans and does experiments on them like change their genders
All slaves are raped
Make sure you cabal is super racist
All of this is canon for dark eldar they can't not get mad.

shiiiiiet man you tellin me the emperor is black?

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It went through a dark age, the artists seem to only just be out of it. Age of Sigmar has some truly awful art. 40k had bad art for a good 3 or 4 years.
As I say in about 2021 the artists seemed to remember how to make art.

Why talk if you don't know the lore?
They aren't identical, they used his DNA but mixed it with other sources.

They are not clones. The Emperor spliced different genes in to make each Primarch distinct, like Russ' wolf genes.

>central asian
he is made out of the emperor and emperor is white

The Emperor is not white either. He is turkish and always has been.
He is the reincarnated soul of every techno barbarian sage in one. Meaning he has many races in him, but he is mostly Turkish.
As you can see he has jetblack hair, high cheekbones and tan skin.

Attached: Emperor_solo.jpg (707x870, 251.24K)

the funny thing is, that when warhammer was good 15 years ago you still wouldnt be the wierdest one even in full SS parade uniform

>emperor is white
The Emperor was born in Central Anatolia (Modern day Turkey)

vulkan isnt a nigger, he just has a coal black skin

He's Proto Indo-European. He was supposedly born in Anatolia well before Turkic-Mongolians came to Asia Minor.

and that was white land back then, cope and seethe. he definetly isnt a turk. he also is smart, so he is definetly white

So Caucasian would be a better term to use as no one seems to be able to agree what white is anymore.

Things post y2k kids will never understand.
>white fantasy was mostly white because white people can relate to whites and wrote about whites
>other races were not hated, the emperor is not even white and a primarch is asian, people thought other cultures especially warrior races like mongols and muslims
>wesley snipes was black and was always cool

>back then
he's born 30,000 years in the future but okay
all the ethnicities would be completely different to modern ones

yeah, that is fine, he is a tan caucasion

>he's born 30,000 years in the future but okay
did they change to lore? last time i remember he was born like 10k bc

He is Jesus Christ my black friend.

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people thought other cultures were cool*

lmao. And if you wanted them all to look like the emperor (in his OG form anyway), they'd be brown because he was a hittite

We finna be amprors n shiet

He was born around 11k BC

We don't know when he was born. We never have. It's intentionally mysterious.

>non fans do not realise the emperor was jesus AND Mohamed

i dont believe you, it has been some time since i have read it, but i remember him being saint george

>dont put a space marine in classic space marine armour as OP
>thread is dead and slow
>put boring typical marine as OP


Yes you would. It was started by a bunch of left leaning history nerds. During the rogue trader days it was literally just a bunch of nerds making fun of various aspects of english culture. With the obvious examples of football hooligans and thatcher.

My mind went to George Floyd before dragon slaying Saint George. 2016+ has rotted my brain. I am a fucking shell.

But yeah they say it but if you read through the books and lore no one knows how true it all is in lore. The Emperor appears as whatever is most pleasing to whoever he is trying to influence and when he shows people his past it's never the same thing.

what does have to do with anything you cretin? you hgave clearly never been to a local tourney before nuhammer

>Yes you would. It was started by a bunch of left leaning history nerds
they were not left leaning retard they were simply nerds.
For a century UK politics was
>tory if you are rich
>labour if you are not
and that was it. It wasnt until the late 90s that people got left and right and not until 2010s that it was such a big divide

i would agree with that, but he absolutely wasnt born 30k years in the future as written above. i would give you anywhere between 100k BC to 0AD