You don't know how to drink. Your whole generation, you drink for the wrong reasons. My generation...

>You don't know how to drink. Your whole generation, you drink for the wrong reasons. My generation, we drink because it's good, because it feels better than unbuttoning your collar, because we deserve it. We drink because it's what men do.

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My generation doesn't drink, we pop pills and smoke kush. Get on with the times, boomer

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>We drink because it's what men do
Alcohol makes you feel bad, makes you fat and grow bitch tits

It's making me feel pretty good right now desu

I just coom. It's cheaper and feels better.

I only drink fag shit at this point. I used to do all the Whiskey on the rocks and scotch but realized I was larping because that shit never tasted great. Meanwhile a simple Vodka with Orange Juice or Cranberry tastes ten times better and I get a better buzz.

I've been snorting ketamine lately.


How does that make you feel? I'm curious

It's like cocaine but better. You feel relaxed and super charged at the same time

I'd give it a shot if I knew any drug dealers

Vodka doesn't have a lingering aftertaste. Even the most paint thinner tasting vodka won't be there after you chase it with something.

Counterpoint: Alcohol killed people 10 times more than weed

I live in LA and the only good thing about being here is people just offer you free drugs constantly. Hopefully I snort some fentanyl by accident soon so I can finally die

I live in a small mediterranean tourist town with a 100% white population and since there's basically zero violent crime the cops only priority is busting pot and coke dealers, users too. The downsides of living in a white ethnostate, I guess.

weed turns people into smoothbrained zombies
booze is at least honest about killing you

I have never met a successful person that smokes weed daily

Im not drinking this weekend. Begone Satan.

Joe Rogan though

Snoop dog

Seth Rogan