Did people really have long conversations with anonymous people on the telephone in the 90's?

Did people really have long conversations with anonymous people on the telephone in the 90's?

Attached: scream-drew-barrymore-GC.jpg (380x410, 61.67K)

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in the '70s too


itt old millenials born in the 90s tell other disgusting millenials that were born in the 90s how great the 90s were

Sure. There was no phone always at your side to stare at so why not have a conversation with a stranger.

>call a local mcdonalds
>yeah im a cop and you need to take the new girl to the back room and have her suck your dick for my investigation.

This actually happened lmao i forget the sauce but it should be easy enough to find

listen to the old recordings of the party-lines they had. it was just Any Forums shit-posting.

people born in the 90's are young millennials.

i was born in '85 and the '90s were fucking boring.

i believe it was actually a burger king

Yes, there was very little ill intent back then. I recently chatted up some girl who called me by accident and she wanted me to send a photo, but I immediately thought Indian blackmailer so I shut it down but she fucked off so fast I know she was being genuine. The world fucking sucks now.

My dad would talk to sales people in the late 90s for hours to waste their time.

Only on the Any Forums hotline.
I miss those days.

>there was very little ill intent back then

Attached: 1535081623900.jpg (500x371, 65.14K)

Do Americans really have to blow their managers to keep their jobs?

Boomer here. Yes, you probably would. If someone was calling you they were paying around 50 cents in today's money to do so, and it was more expensive in the past and the habit kind of stuck. You'd listen to what they had to say because it was sort of important. I was kind of an honor that someone would take the time and spend money just to curse you or threaten you so you would sit there and listen.

>Did people really have long conversations with anonymous people on the internet in the 2020's?

none of you are real, I'm just having a conversation with my imagination

yes. americans are barely human

Yeah its pretty standard procedure.

Are you upset that you're in your passed the age of 23 and still live with your parents?

Wow thanks for that gem. You want to tell us about other very obvious scandals that were heavily in the news?

Not sure how it is here but some dude from Any Forums wrote a script to shitpost and interact with people and it didn't always work flawlessly but it was pretty creepy.

It was a few places. Madlad actually pulled it off for years with the 2004 incident being one of the longest and most elaborate as well as getting caught on tape.
Compliance is a movie based off the incident, but it makes it more clean and sexy. The actual girl looked like a total nerd and the guy who was asked to search her was far more horny about it.

Yeah dude came and then immediately called his friend and told him he >did something very bad.
Dude got btfo and like 3 years in prison for that blowjob which is total bullshit. The girl is dumb enough to suck cock because a cop totally said to but that guy wasnt legally dumb enough to get blown for the same reason?