My gibs just arrived, feels great desu

My gibs just arrived, feels great desu

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Post hand

It's not the RSA, it's mandatory that it is AAH, basically gibs for disabled people


No, its MY gibs not YOUR

As you can probably guess... Nafri

Yes im in depression

euros can really don't work and live whole life on gibs??

>Yes im in depression
wtf. French pipo can just pretend to have mental illnesses and then get money for it? How is this fair

i wish i was able to get gibs but i am just a failure who couldnt join the marine corp because of allergies to canola oil

How many years do you need to serve in the military to get gibs? Or do you just get it while in the military? How does this whole thing work? I heard of it, but I never understood the system behind it

>un negre attardé qui ne rien contribue ni au pays ni à la société reçoit le même montant que moi chaque mois

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It's fair, rich ppl pay for my gibs

Sad, hope best for u bro

give 1€

It's OUR gibs. Hand it over

La vie est triste mon pote, y'a pas de justice dans ce monde


Why aren't you at work ? Who's going to fund my gibs if you don't work

>It's fair, rich ppl pay for my gibs
Not really, poor and middle class working people pay for your gibs too. You're basically a parasite, kek. That being said I wish I were you

i wasnt able to get in or do anything i have no other way of making money so i stay at home

If you were black would it be easier to get more gibs?


I may be a parasite but why would I go to work for minimum wage? I have the same amount in gibs, I save to buy a house and be autonomous

I have morbus crohn and my stomach is acting up so I'm staying at home. Do you have an excuse to not be at work?

>suffer """""depression"""""
>acquire money

firsties cannot suffer