Captain America for 10 years

>captain America for 10 years
>3 years later and is in fuck besides lightyear (which bombed)
Are marvel movies the career killers that Star Wars was?

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marvel is the best thing you can be in. its only downhill from there

he’s had so much gay sex holy shit

He didn't have much going on before Marvel so maybe not. Brie getting cast in F&F proves you can move up after Marvel.

hes not that good of an actor and can only play a nice guy convincingly, if he tries to be tough or anything else it gets cringe.

Same thing happened to RDJ, Dolittle flopped and his career has been completely dead since

This. You make shitloads of money with no acting required. I’m not sure that Anthony Hopkins even left his house to film his scenes for Thor Ragnarok.

You're forgetting Knives Out. That and there was a little thing called Covid that delayed all kinds of productions. He's already in 4 other movies in production now that shit is taking off again.

Don't be stupid.

He should’ve just kept playing Cap. It wasn’t that bad. Just don’t take your shirt off if you don’t want to take steroids.

He's interesting when playing a hammy douche, he was fun in knives out. But when he tries for serious drama, or, god forbid, directing, he sucks balls.

different case, rdj has actually been a good actor in his life. evans is a trash actor.
And really, really, really gay.

Most of RDJ’s non-MCU work since 2008 has been mediocre to bad honestly. Due Date is one of the worst comedies I’ve ever seen.

>You're forgetting Knives Out
hard not to

where do you go after fisting a dragon

Chris Pratt got the Jurassic franchise because of GOTG and Hemsworth has been in other action movies because of Thor

Jakey, Jakey, about to make a big mistakey

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Hemsworth has done the best outside of Marvel. Blackhat and Rush both rule.

evans was in knives out which is better than any of the recent shit RDJ has been in cuck

Hemsworth has been in mostly Netflix shit. He was in 12 strong but that was boring as fuck

i liked before we go

I liked the judge movie

Chris Pratt is based on, he is my favorite cris

Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel have the best marvel roles
>spend the least amount of time filming
>don’t have to bother with putting on makeup and costumes
>get paid over 10M each to say lines that result in maybe 15-20 minutes of total screen time
Nothing better than high paying voice acting

It seems that appearing in these movies affects you when you want to play other roles. Does anyone else see it that way?

Nah, its seems marvel movies are good paydays and it makes other actors seethe

But no one takes them seriously when they want to play more serious roles.

RDJ has nothing except Tropic Thunder. Maybe Sherlock but i don't think that was big hit.


Because he can't act.

>serious roles

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A Scanner Darkly was pretty good

Oh, so you're just stupid.

His career is as good if not better than it was before he joined marvel.

Hey man he’s pretty good at staring into the distance with a concerned look on his face

Yeah. I forgot that one.

Zodiac was boring. At least for me. Point is that even good actor like RDJ can escape his Tony Stark fame.

I genuinely liked his character in Knives Out. A believeable douchebag. Sadly the entire movie is a commie propaganda and had to have that le twist