Firsties have to buy & drink coconut water in packaged

>Firsties have to buy & drink coconut water in packaged
packs from super market not straight from the Coconut tree

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Do you drink it? I throw it in the drain

>he thinks you can't buy fresh coconuts already in firstoid marts
get with the times, gramps.

We have those in Japan but they're expensive.
And coconut water in bottles is disgusting

Why wouldnt you drink it? Its full of electrolytes. Too much gabagool messing up your head

Who cares about coconut milk? I want funbag milk.

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thirdies don't suffer

gotta get dat dere potassium and sodium. Seriously, I fucking love coconut water. It's nature's sports drink.

This, My family has 40 coconut trees, I drink two coconuts per day honestly cannot live without it

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I swear to god, if you make a thread about how you suffer, Jeet...


>thirdies literally just pick food off their trees everyday
you literally cannot suffer

Yeah, yeah of course... these are the people who claim they suffer, by the way...
I've said it before and I'll say it again, thirdies literally can't suffer!

I wouldn't eat/drink anything that those hands have touched, disgusting

>plastic straws
Those are illegal here, even though thirdies are the ones who just throw them into the river/sea.

India has completely banned single use plastics Austrichud


My grandmother wrote our lands off to my dad's older brother and left nothing to my father. Even though we took care of her until she died off cancer.

we have 6 in our garden, but they stopped fruiting some time ago

These dudes in Trinidad are based

Fucking inheritance bs. My maternal uncle recieved a surprise inheritance from a miser NEET filthy (literally) rich relation who never bothered to send financial help when my mother's family was living in a dirt poor M*slim neighborhood
He ended up rejecting the inheritance

just replant them again with new coconuts. here in Malaysia we have a variety that are the bonsai kind of coconut but bear fruit with the hint of pandan. Second to third year with good care, you should able to harvest the coconut.

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