Why do whypeepo think calling others "people of colour" isn't racist?

why do whypeepo think calling others "people of colour" isn't racist?
It would imply that "whyte" is the "normal" colour meanwhile statistically speaking from a historical perspective brown is the most common colour followed by yellow , black then whyte
explain yourselves whypeepo

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I neither hate nor love white people. I simply just don't care. They can call me whatever they want. It's simply wind blowing through the trees, at this point. I am me and I can only prove my own existence. Therefore the thoughts, feelings, cares and concerns of others are totally irrelevant.

People of colour
As in singular colour

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do you really think they care what you think desinx


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Radlib "anti-racism" doesnt break away from the status quo. Sorry but you cant undo 500 years of hetero-patriarchal white supremacism created by military-genocidal imperialism-colonialism by creating gender neutral words or putting blacks in tv series. It needs more than that. The whole system foundations (starting with myth of the "discovery of the new world) need to be destroyed for any serious change

White liberals are a special kind of hypocrites/retards

basically speaking from historical point of view whites were and are niggers

Very sane person with a healthy world view
Insane ramblings of a spiteful lunatic

No, I won't elaborate because there's no point in arguing with the insane.

The people who use it will never admit it but the term caught on BECAUSE it's racist.

darkie melinated folx of lesser socioeconomic privilege

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suck my dick with your racism bitch

There are times when I wish I could understand ESL speak. This is not one of those times.

y yties r so mean

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Because saying Coloured is outdated die to it mainly referring to blacks or mixed race Americans when it was used and name dropping every colour to be inclusive take forever so PoC is used for now.

Great post, I can smell the hair dye and smelly armpits through the screen

>Radlib "anti-racism" doesnt break away from the status quo. Sorry but you cant undo 500 years of hetero-patriarchal white supremacism created by military-genocidal imperialism-colonialism by creating gender neutral words or putting blacks in tv series. It needs more than that. The whole system foundations (starting with myth of the "discovery of the new world) need to be destroyed for any serious change

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oh no no no...

i simply call them niggers, sandniggers, and streetshitters

i dont get how this term became mainstream either

what would you call an eskimo?

based post

It's one of those funny tumblr terms that ended up in the regular political discourse.