This woman is single handedly saving late night comedy

This woman is single handedly saving late night comedy

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She used to have a terrible Mind of Mencia sketch show where she was racist and now she lectures everyone as her main career. Fascinating.

I've enjoyed the show as a whole while she's doing it but I still flip around a lot as usual.

Nobody cares what some dried up old skeleton has to say

Oh no no no menbros, I'm scared! What was her scathing message that BTFOd us all?

her grandfather was a literal ss officer lol, before she knew that she talked about he was her favorite person ever

It’s just a comedy show bro

It was that we're based.

kek she's half jewish half nazi.

>Her American father was Ashkenazi Jewish; her German-born mother, who came to the United States in 1958, was a Mormon.[7][10] Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989[11] and battled the disease for over 15 years before dying of it in 2006.[12] Handler was raised in Reform Judaism, and had a Bat Mitzvah ceremony.[13][14][15] As an adult, she broke into tears after discovering that her maternal grandfather served in the German army during World War II, on TLC's Who Do You Think You Are? in 2013.[16][17]

her vagina automatically makes her opinions valid

well, i have a message for her. fire your plastic surgeon.

she looks like she needs a handler

She makes something else valid if you know what I mean

These same bitches used to tell us that our opinions about abortion didn't matter. Now suddenly it does? This shit gets a big shrug from me.

A decade or so ago she used to be entertaining enough

Only her tits

Drinks pee.

Drafted Wermacht privates are now SS officers, lmao

She's saving comedy from being funny.

you mean this "old lady"?

is it possible to see someone's tits too much?