/tng/ Tareeq Nasheed General

Thread for prominent film maker and Any Forums mascot Tareeq Nasheed.

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He's so close to being based but he just keeps rejected the truth that it's really (((them))) who are keeping niggers down.

Wait until he realizes it's Taquq Struggleshed the grifter that is keeping black people down.

Oh wait...
he already realized it.

Pretty sure he's a CIA shill just like Alex Jones. They get close to the truth but then they tell you it's the globalists or whitey or whatever boogeyman they are using to balkanize their certain non conforming group.

Imagine if a jewish guy tried this
Imagine if some jewish guy was like "Hey everyone, on top of all the bad shit that happened during the holocaust at all the concentration camps, turns out there was also a lot of man-on-man rape, ALL THE TIME"
And that the reason why young jewish men like Ezra Miller have problems is because Nazis were openly just ass-ramming everyone's old jewish grandfathers back in the shoah. Funny how none of their stories even allude to gay stuff, just, we were made into lampshades and soap and shot with impossible reverso shotguns and put on rollercoasters to our death, but no gay shit. Not ONE will one "holocaust survivor" say ANYTHING about having anything shoved up their ass, or their friend's asses. Nope. They don't say a peep about that. Why is that? Were Nazis really just that decent?

I knew I smelled bussy juice

Take the thong out yo bussy, playa

No but seriously, why isn't there even like... one account of a Buck Breaking Nazi? I mean if these guys really hated jews THAT much, why weren't they just raping them left and right to buck break them? I sure would

American prisons are buck breaking facilities

we need more tariq tweets

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I think Tariq might be gay.

>we were made into lampshades

It is the globalists though.

i was just speaking french ma nigga
>oui good

Based American prisons

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He's been married to a woman named Peanut for eight years.

a lot to unpack here

This nigga? Gay? Naaaaah.

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True, I'm a white supremacist tranny and I tear nigger asses apart.
Bucks are nice and tight, good feeling assholes.


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>"my friend got turned into a dilator and shoved up some tranny officer's axe wound"