Rams your fucking face or the TV at full speed

>rams your fucking face or the TV at full speed
What the fuck is their problem?

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Why are you watching TV with moths flying around? Are you outside?


close your windows bruh

Yeah, you should try it sometimes

>windows closed
>still have to kill like 10 of those every day inside

I'm not gonna let some moths ruin my cool breeze

Cats (my mom owns 12 in the house and at least 5 more that come and go) scratch holes in the fly screen which i usually repair but sometimes moths get in through those holes. I suppose the moths could get in through the cat flap and open doors as well.

They are like Indians with wings.


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*blocks your path*

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he cute

I have some unfortunate information for people who thinks moths are stupidly attracted to light. The thing they actually do is apply a navigation technique where, to keep flying in a straight line you pick a light source which is at effectively infinite distance (e.g. all light sources that existed when you evolved) and adjust your flight so that it's always at the same angle to your flight. The problem is when the distance is actually much shorter because the light source is unnatural, this same technique results in an inevitable collision course (search 'proportional navigation'). So it's sad because they're actually doing something sensible but our happening to create bogus earthly moons causes them to smash themselves to bits. They aren't attracted to light, they don't love it so much they smash themselves like greedy little pigs. That's just our ignorant cope assumption.

You don't have a moth problem, you have a cat problem

Bug zapper go BZZZT

>serves no evolutionary purpose
>is just there to annoy fuck out of you

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>flies around in your room when it gets dark

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Don't mind me, bro. Keep watching your show, I'm just hunting for those other motherfuckers bugging you

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stop projecting

i have these niggers in my house and they are legitimately driving me fucking insane. especially when i'm watching kino or gaming. they are so fucking annoying it's actually unreal.

reminds me of jews

get screens for your windows

>look mom i posted the thing

sorry but it's the truth
>contributes nothing
>annoying as fuck
>world would be 1000 times better off without them

Blast the fuckers

why can't we just do a genocide on all disgusting bugs globally? how much would it change the nature's economy? just plant more trees or whatever.

>Americans have big ass of these fuckers crawling their walls and ceilings and drops down on you while sleeping
I would never be able to live in the US, basically a third world country