I dont get it

i dont get it

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Does this guy just hate anything the democrates support out of kneejerk?

i dont think he understands that diesel cars run on electricity too

I think you're missing the point greentard.

Yes. If the power is out then you can’t buy gas with anything but hard cash and prob the fuel pumps would never even work without a generator. Also electric cars are being popularized by a edgy right leaning meme lord in Elon Musk. Ben is just an old Boomer fart who doesn’t realize electric vehicles are more powerful than gas ones despite him thinking only hippies ride them.

>You will never be a good method for transportation.

Attached: GigachadHorse.png (951x728, 150.27K)

>actually the US is too much of a thirdworld country to have stable electric grids that can support electric vehicles
libs status = owned

>sun expectancy: 8 billion years
>oil reservoirs expectancy: 50-150 years
tic toc gasfags

Electric cars have much better torque. They are still worse in long term races due to heating and battery endurance but this will improve

>50-150 years
I'll be long dead by then. Not. My. Problem.

why the fuck would it matter if the car goes vroom or bzzzzzzz
carfags are hillarious

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Boomers hate electric cars because they are quiet. For a Boomer a vehicle must be loud as fuck. This is why they love lawn mowers.

>he doesn't have reserve gasoline in his garage

electric cars are heavy as fuck and the batteries have a limited lifetime. having an electric car is kinda cringe desu

Enjoy your unquenchable lithium battery fire.

OK boomer, keep pretending that technology does not evolve

I hate cars but I hate people who hate cars even more.

i could never own an electric car because i would be afraid to leave it out in the sun/rain
2004 toyota celica will be passed down to my descendants

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Someone here posted that he is looking forward to the end of engine-revving subhumans. I had never even considered that part of things but now I'm full-on team electrocar.

>time for your 70k mile service, that'll be $30k

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