Wha'ts some easy to watch anime?

Wha'ts some easy to watch anime?

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Fuck off.

Prison School was my 1st anime and my last. Would highly suggest.


One punch man

Love Hina

Samurai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell
Weathering With You

Kaguya sama Love is War

Vinland saga -if you like viking kino.
Naruto because Naruto is stupid and funny

what type are you looking for?

Gunbuster is pretty short and a fun ride, that also does a fair amount with a pretty small cast of characters and few episodes

Spriggan both of em.

My general rule with anime is the less it has to do with high school the better. It has served me well.

Ranma 1/2

Why are their know large size figures of this bunch. GT adventures of them was my absolutely comfy zone when I was a retarded teen listening to my sister get fucked behind her door.

best opening song

That faggot trunks. Wish Future trunks stayed and this faggot fucked off or something.

This. "Future Trunks" was one of the coolest characters in the show, literally DBZ's brooding Kurt Cobain character. Normal timeline Trunks was completely forgettable and dorky. They really did him dirty.

Bro even future Gohan was better than Gohan. Toriyam fucked up.

This is every anime I've ever watched by year

Pretty mainstream desu

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Future trunks with the jacket and sword is iconic. His intro and him going super saiyan and fucking frieza effortlessly was kino

2013 was the best imo

Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball
Urusei Yatsura

maybe start by not posting pleb filters