What were the implications here?

What were the implications here?

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This is how you realized you're a homosexual

Khazar Milkers

that vasquez had a great rack

Wouldn’t this chick get raped into oblivion irl?

That in space, no one can hear you get gangbanged by your fellow crewmates (even the android joined in)

They're in Space, not in India

the actress owns a custom bra store in LA now

>In space no one can hear you redeem

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Yes. By the aliens. I have seen many such instances.

White dudes rape like crazy in the army

>You always were an asshole, user.

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Shes in a mixed unit, that is at most only awake for a few days while deployed
Between that they can get all the Arcturian Poon they want, no reason the men would go rapey and get court martialled/ executed

She was probably the rapist.

This is how you realized you have high T and not a faggot like you

It's over bros

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Why were colonial space marines so sexist?

It's been a while since I've watched aliens, but what on earth are the they referring to? I don't think there was any racism or homophobia in it.

literally the scene in the OP

It's a reference to the actress playing vasquez not being Hispanic and brown-facing

In this movie a woman character was competent, relatable and relevant. Thats very outdated today.

Hahaha Americans. The most faggy people in the world.

Isn't she brazilian? That's technically hispanic isnt it

Well, Cameron insisted that the xenomorph was to be referred to as a 'nigger', breeding uncontrollably and eventually destroying every piece of modern civilization.

Anytime, anywhere.

At one point someone makes a crack about illegal aliens in regards to Vazquez. She brushes it off and gives as good as she gets, showing jocular comradery with her fellow marines. You know, like an actual person in the military would.

this makes too much sense for me to not think that James Cameron is brutally racist now