Holy fucking KINO sirs

Holy fucking KINO sirs

Attached: 1653071596098.webm (1000x526, 2.9M)

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unironically looks more fun than marvel


Pajeets are so goddamn obsessed with random slowmo


Indians should make love action anime adaptations.

And I fucking love them for that

Attached: 1559526868874.webm (240x240, 2.91M)

what does children's media look like in india?

Attached: 1636345823584.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

It's not random. And you are judging an entire industry based on webms spammed here, there are other things they are actually obsessed with.

>1 minute for what would probably last a second

What's the one where dude walks in the tent and starts this kino dance party?

can you faggots stop being ironic and spamming this garbage?



Okay this is more unrealistic than op webm

honestly, indian movies can appear silly due to cultural differences and i dont personally like them, but their filming techniques have improved so much over the years it's kind of impressive.

>>We learn who's the victim
>>We learn who's the hero
>>We learn who are the good guys
>>We learn who's the villain
>>The hero saves the girl at the end, villain loses
Why is this so hard to do, Hollywood?


The direction puts Kubrick to shame

jojo timing

It's called kino, pleb

Attached: 1581539959446.webm (600x338, 2.66M)

What was their plan here? Why would you expect anything other than to bump into each other and fall down? The torch flame won't burn anything for long enough to cause significant harm, especially when the guy is soaking wet, and the other guy has... a water hose.