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>it's Any Forums's IDC general

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Close the iris


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.. so schedule it? what's the big deal

>I'm here to make you an offer

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dial the gate sergeant

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based gooldposter

Where he going?

can't believe this guy's dead


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Walter regularly snuck off to the underaged sex planet during those long night shifts.


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>On P3X-595, Wahlberg and three SG team members chased after three Jaffa children while yelling "Kill the Shol'va, kill the Shol'va" and throwing rocks at them. The next day, Wahlberg and others followed a group of schoolchildren taking a field trip on a beach, yelled racial epithets at them, threw rocks at them, and "summoned other Tau'ri" who joined in the harassment.

>On P4C-970, Wahlberg assaulted a middle-aged Aschen man on the street, calling him a "Vaccine fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden Bashaak staff. Wahlberg attacked a second Aschen man later the same day, punching him in the eye. When Wahlberg was arrested and returned to the scene of the first assault, he told police officers: "I'll tell you now that's the motherfucker whose head I split open." Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'Tollan' and 'phase-shifting Tollan'".

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>We had a good thing you dumb so of a bitch! We had the Chaapa'ai. We had Apophis. We had many Ha'tak vessels. We had everything we needed and it all ran like clockwork. You could have shut your mouth, stayed with the Goa'uld and kill as many Tau'ri bastards we ever needed. But you just had to BLOW it up. YOU and your pride and your ego. You just had to be the Shol'va. If you’d done your job, known your place, we’d all be fine right now.

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Man, even the memes are shit for this lame ass show.

>it's another "siler! fix this, fix that, why isn't it fixed yet?" episode

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