Any other gay leather cinema than Cruising?

any other gay leather cinema than Cruising?

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the cops in Dirty Harry are pretty sexy

can't we just talk about Cruising

I don't know if it's ironic or intentional that discussion about the movie is subject to the same taboo as the themes, but I guess how can it not be, fisting is pretty horrific

I dont understand the ending


The Matrix
Pulp Fiction

Pacino became a gay serial killer after cruising which made him go insane.

Police Academy of course

in the movie?

it's le ambiguous

getting your butthole larger than penis size seems pretty dumb

i also wonder what mr hands would have thought that after his death horse dildos became mainstream

>there were multiple gay serial killers but all of them used the same knife

no, Pacino kills the guy at the end, but the open rearendedness of it is already presented at the start with the unidentified remains, with the ending being about the way the violence spreads

honestly the movie is pretty fucking great if you can get over the way it goes out of its way to offend you, people forget Friedkin made it, it feels weird to compare it to Sorcerer but it's right up along side it in terms of mastery over the film medium

No, that guy he killed wasn't even the same serial killer shown at the beginning. Pacino clearly murdered an innocent gay.

being gay sounds so incredible. just visit random strangers in a public bathroom, and all your sexual desires and fantasies are fullfillied.

me as a straight white guy? i need a pure, virginal japanese teenager whose madly inlove with me.

I mean the guy in the apartment they find stabbed at the very end, the guy he ambushes in the park is the killer, I didn't get it at first but they show it with the references to his letters

The People Under the Stairs

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Eventually you start living to cum and nothing else matters in your life. It sounds fun at first but there's gatekeeping in the straight world for sex for a good reason

Most films by Kenneth Anger are pretty gay

There's a good book about that called And the Band Played On. It's about the AIDS 80's epidemic but it goes into what you're talking about too.

Fuck off, heteroid.

>Pretty gay
That's an understatement.