I hate them so much, they make me seethe

My hatred towards these "people" goes above any hatred I have for other browns. It's just something about them: their demeanor, the way they tolerate living in filthy shit-filled slums, their stupid accents, their ugly bug-eyed brown bulging faces, and their timidness that triggers some kind of visceral repulsion in me. I get an instinctual feeling to oppress them. I know I'm not the only one with this sentiment, no one fucking likes Indians. Indians have absolutely nothing going for them that would increase my opinion of them. The only reason jews put them in positions of management in globohomo corporations is because Indians are natural cowards and submissive people that do not have any revolutionary potential, and Indians are proud of this fact. Indians truly are an eyesore and I wouldn't even wish my enemy's country to be plagued with such a people.

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I'm indian and you demoralizing me

I'm not indian and you demoralizing me


I'm a revolutionary take no prisoners kind of guy but Indians are like my emotional support animal and I do not like you being mean to the soft hinds

I don't care, I will defeat the kikes and become white in valhalla.

I root for Indians so much — I can only imagine the kinda of sh* they are forced to put up with in Western countries, whilst they're simply trying to improve theirs as well their family's lives.

I hope India becomes a super power someday.

i used to hate indians then i found out that was stupid and there were cool indians just like with any people

I want to fuck their women

>whilst they're simply trying to improve theirs as well their family's lives.
If that were the case I'd get along. They lie about qualifications, clumsily attempt to have you do their work by playing dumb, then write you completely out of the credits.
Not OP but I'll challenge him to the claim of #1 hater. Gypsies they are.

Go to Brampton or northern Vancouver and knock yourself out

Or really anywhere in Ontario

Brb looking at plane tickets

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They're going to be the world's largest economy soon enough :>

They ruined incest porn and a lot of other niche stuff
Like, you're reading some cute momcest and then the guy is like "then my uncle entered the room and raped my mom and my village killed her" and other ridiculous scenarios

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Apologize! they are my besties.

t. Cathayan

Not my problem
t. Indianon

Learn from the Mexican!
The rage!
Where are my internet bloodspords now?!

>t. r1 rapebaby

thank you sirs . you may sex my sisters please

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