Any Forums still isn't ready for this film. in ten years you're all going to be embarrassed about your reactions

Any Forums still isn't ready for this film. in ten years you're all going to be embarrassed about your reactions.

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it's already been out for ten years you dumbass

trust me, i was like you once

its probably a bot you retard

Why are they trying to move to a lifeless planet to escape crop failure?

i cri everytime

its a metaphor

it's a retelling of Exodus

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I don't know I think I might be ready

>Its not possible!
>No...its necessary.

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Unironically my favorite movie

>tfw cucks didn't understand the wormhole and bookcase
stay pleb, faggots

It came out in 2014, thats not ten years.
You are not intelligent enough to watch this movie.

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>removed the sex scene from the original script
based nolan

I listen to the soundtrack as background noise when I need to concentrate on q project, i use LOTR and Harry Potter OSTs too

>Hugh Mann


Nolan is an atheist materialist

Totally stupid take from someone who have 0 knowledge in esoterism.

edit out anne Hathaway and it goes from a 6 to a 8.5

It's the great filter, it has the uncanny ability to reveal midwits who for some reason cannot help but out themselves with their incessant screeching whenever this movie is discussed.