Top Gun: Maverick

Just saw this.
The bad:
>too many minorities
>too many women pilots
>the bar scene where they all meet at the bar is cringe as fuck
>all of the new pilots are cringe as fuck except for Bob
>jon hamm is cringe
>who the fuck is Jennnifer connelly's character?
>the big black guy was forced

the good
>ed harris
>the entire third act
>the sound
>the music

Overall a solid 7/10 flick. Not the masterpiece people are claiming it is.

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>who the fuck is Jennnifer connelly's character?

what sort of bullshit is the rule about buying a round for the bar? NIGGA IM BROKE

That was so dumb
>herpity derp you put your phone on the bar you have to buy 30 people drinks

>bob floyd? you're my new backseater?
Unironically, what the fuck did she mean by this?

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Pilots can afford it

Shut the fuck up, nerd.

don't go to a bar if you're broke

Keep flippin those burgers, wagie

>oh look at me im fiscally responsible when i drink
i bet you floss too you fucking geek

i can just tell you are the absolute worst kind of person to drink with
being a fucking retard is not funny or quirky

I earn more than you ever will, little bitch.

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youre right, far more fun to hang with guy on Any Forums who sips his 2 light beers slowly to "pace myself bro" i bet you split the uber ride when you take your boyfriend home because driving drunk is for idiots too

Thats cute lmao



based wage mogger

Your complaints are stupid except
>the big black guy was forced
Which I agree with, the scene at the end where Tom is like "Thanks Black Man.. thank you". Uhh, what were you thanking him for? I get that he helped you up the ladder or whatever but Mav was acting like he just fucked his wife and mav is a big old cuck
Still a minor complaint, it's like a left over scene from where they cut an earlier scene of the black guy helping him or something
9/10 movie

It just seemed weird how he was always around and never had his role/title clearly defined.

>That was so dumb
it's actually one of the few parts of the movie which is 100% real

Why didn't they just drone strike the base

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what job is this sir

Gps jamming bro

He was Maverick's squire

OK kid.

i cant forgive this movie for making moustaches a fad again. ive had a mo for years and now its assumed i just want to be like Miles Teller? FUCK

Driving drunk is for idiots.

ok Miles

t. clean shaven Cruise chad

>OK kid.
So you have no idea how air base bars work yet you criticize a very accurate depiction in the movie. I'm afraid you might be retarded.

Its the kind of job a pathetic little bitch like
could never hack.

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You can forgive a lot of Hollywood shit when he steals the hornet and rips it up the valley.