Whoever reccomended this as a feelgood kino

fuck you this was some of the darkest shit I've ever watched

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Isn't de niro acting all retarded funny to you?

it was funny in the irishman but not in this

This is the only movie where Robin Williams is a normal person.

you fell for the bait, my friend
welcome... you are finally

Now apologize for BLM

It gets funnier every year, yeah

>"We had a black President?? ....put me back to sleep. ...put me BaCK to SLEEP! PUT ME BACK TO SLEEP PUT ME BACK TO SLEEP"

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What is it

nah there are a few (good will hunting, dead poet's society, jumanji) and he plays the straight man better then the weirdos

You are not ready, my child
For one to be truly awake, you need to be willing to let go of everything you currently hold to be true

...some men aren't meant to see

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I only watched it because it was De Niro, Williams and Marge Simpson

What Dreams May Come, Dead Poets Society, Good will Hunting, One hour Photo, Insomnia, The World According to Garp...etc The last I mentioned was one of his first and was a strange huge hit for the time.

>One Hour Photo
>Normal person

we did it reddit

>normal person

By Any Forums standard yeah

By Any Forums standard yeah

He wasn't telling jokes or over acting. How about Worlds Angriest Man?

The Fisher King? Not normal, but dramatic and not comedic.

reminds me of the time a friend and i convinced some scrub on Any Forums that he had missed the greatest band of the 00's,


>read about the doctor who the film is based off of
>he was a homosexual who had erotic fantasies and came while swimming and giving men foot massages
wew lad