What is your favourite A24 movie?

What is your favourite A24 movie?

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I don't watch reddit movies

beyond the blacked rainbow

Under the Skin is the best film they've released and honestly by far

The \/\/itch

Spring Breakers

The good one. Oh, no, there aren't any good ones

Lobster is great

Swiss Army Man because the main character is just like me.

Haven’t seen one in like 5 years. Everything is so lame, soulless corporate decision to make “real movies” once they saw the market for it in response to marvel. Culture sucks so bad, can’t believe people still regularly keep up with new shit. How many decades are leftist Americans gonna do this?

Swiss Army Man (2016)

I have yet to see Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

The Lighthouse, obviously

Their TV lineup is pozzed beyond belief.

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Go watch whatever recycled franchise turd is being shown at your local cineplex then you tasteless faggots.

Florida Project probably

Good Time.
It's also Robert Pattinson's best movie.


Ex Machina.

>I HATE little girls
Have you considered killing yourself?

>Have you considered killing yourself?

you know they don't actually put child actors in traumatic situations when they're filming depictions of traumatic situations, right?

Mississippi Grind

Pozzed garbage

Mmmm concrete...

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They definitely did severely physically abuse the girl in that movie. Do you not know anything about it? Yeah, its just a child abuse, the people who made it wanted to hurt a little girl and did

that sounds intense

you got articles?