Question for the Israelis

Do you consider yourselves to be part of the Western world?

If not, why?
If yes, what are the western values you think you share with the West?
(obviously not the values of human rights and bodily integrity of little boys)

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fascinating how europeans assume everybody wants to be part of them. if something is successful it must be associated with europe
fuck you and your dying contitent of trash
hope you freeze to death

I think we're Western because you we live rent free in your heads and you're Western.


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Is this supposed to be a no?
Why do your posts often feel like veiled insults?

Tel Aviv was made in the image and likeness of new york, jerusalem is half arabic so not at all.

>Jewish hate thread
>Europe flag
Pisslamists are cringe man

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they spent the last 1500 years in Europe so they know everything about you

polish jew here
yes, jewish culture in intertwined with western culture

>Why do your posts often feel like veiled insults?
you get insults as answers when you include insults in the body of your question

Do you think people can't read the insult in your OP crypto nafri?
kek, what the fuck are you on about. TLV is a massive shithole and has nothing to do with NY. It looks like a favela.

Did you know that Israel has the highest percentage of homosexuals out of any country in the world?
They are the embodiment of western values!


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please ignore my rude fellow countrymen, I'm sure they mean no ill to you.
To answer your question, its a tough one, I think it really depends on what you mean by western, in you're talking specifically about our economy and standards of living, then yes, it is most definitely western, culturally though? not really, I'd say we're a mix of med & arab culture fused into one, in a sense the only country that is truly similar to ours is singapore, both are small, both house tons of different cultures, and both have fairly advanced economies.

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they are western yes

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based if you are mizrahi, but if you are sephardi or ashkenazi... deep down you are coping about the constant expulsions and misstreatment by europeans

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what insults did he include? ...

>t. haifa majic

bahada haifa