Got conned into watching this. Season 1 and 2 weren't that bad but currently on season 3...

Got conned into watching this. Season 1 and 2 weren't that bad but currently on season 3. Does it become watchable again or is it just non stop 'muh blacks' 'muh women' whining from now on?

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>got conned into watching this
>so I watched two full seasons of it
Shoo shoo tv shill

season 3 came out after the whole BLM thing right? I heard the show does damage control hard because of that, but I wouldn't know, I stopped watching after season 2 because it became too goofy and had too many annoying characters

couldn't make it past 15 minutes. it's usually very obvious whether a show is good.

It starts OK if you like Fillion, but it gets progressively worse.

Same. The heist scene was moronic. When it showed some random characters at the precinct, I dropped it.

Yeah, it's definitely downhill from it's first couple seasons. I still watch it, because once I get into a show I usually watch it until the end (I'm still watching the Walking Dead even though I hate it now). But I will not be watching that stupid FBI Rookie spinoff with the sassy black lady.


skip the whole 3rd season
apparently the nog rookie complained s4 wasn't pandering enough so they fired him
somehow chen's ass gets fatter every episode

The OP? Yes.

>chen's ass
best part of the show

Just watch/rewatch The Shield to refill your copkino gauge.

They tone it down in s4 then?

I also liked Southland. It's not on the same level as the Shield but it was decent.

the mustache twirling racist cop is gone
the evil da that only wants to imprison minorities is also gone
every so often they'll slip a retarted line in but they don't dwell on it
>if only we had less budget and more went to dem programs

Name one show that has a good season 3.

what did they mean by this?

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Star trek the next generation
Game of thrones
Father ted
Stargate SG 1
The x files

>Does it become watchable again
It doesn't return to form in S4 but it gets 90% of the way there. The guy pushing all the BLM stuff was the guy playing Jackson, and they literally shot his character in the back of the head and dumped his body to make a point.

Season 4 was a mixed bag, but on the whole I enjoyed it. They overused a new character called Riley way too much, so she has to go, and they need three new rookies including at least one pretty white girl. Also the Chenford thing needs happen already and then those two character get written out, they're great, I love them, best part of the show, but if they drag it out for much longer that will change. Gives us the resolution and give them the biggest warmest going away party every.

The short answer is Yes, big time.

Red Dwarf.