Pat The Nes Punk

Why does he get no love? I just found his podcast extremely low veiwership. Did I miss something and was he canceled

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no he was always a huge fag and sorta only had the AVGN appearance as his chance to get "big".

OP here. Well that is the only way I found him as well AVGN his flea market madness vids were decent. Who's this Ian next to him? Looks like a God Damn Sloth

Because NES/SNES nostalgia has been beaten to death. Younger generations don't give a shit about them. They're more interested in 00s era of gaming. Also, collecting retro games has become a rich man's sport ever since prices skyrocketed. Interest in collecting has waned.

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surprised this thread is deader than half the vaginas worshipped on this board, but that guy was always his partner on the show, even bigger faglord that got heavily shit on during the gamergate era. They're both nobodies by this point and the only reason i remember is because i spent an unreasonable amount of time caring as a teen all those years ago.
also this too

His numbers are fine. I was expecting triple digits.

His face really creeps me out. Just something about his eyes. These video game youtubers are all look so grotesque. Don't play too many video games, bros.

He's kinda like Linkara in that he only really works in crossovers, he needs the other person to neutralize his personality.

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I remember when him and his hippie fag friends got BTFO over the diablo mobile game

He is easily the worst of the AVGN ripoffs

It seems like he was doing videos for awhile and than just stopped and went away for years
Came back with some low effort pod cast thing and his nes book
I liked his old videos well enough but you can’t take a huge break and expect to grow your channel

His weird friend is unlikable. He should have his black gf on again. She Cute

His NES Punk persona is real cringe and unfunny

However the podcast is pretty good, i check the clips on youtube

OP here.

is there a youtube link? I just heard his most recsnt podcast today and his Sloth Lover seemed bitter when they mentioned diablo and kept spazing out over Abortions

just the usual
>get some popularity
>subscribe to my gaytreon and i promise to make less content!
>neckbeards comply
>he drip-feed releases videos he has banked up from 10 years ago like flea market madness and shit from like 2009
>the rest is lazy podcast split up into 20 parts, drip-fed in 5 minute parts
tl;dr get a haircut

Didnt he bring a stripper?

holy SHIT i didnt know about this
its like pat the nes punk went from nes punk to "eternally BTFO punk", this wasnt even the first second or third time he was BTFO by the internet.

Is that Slob Zombie's dad?

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Him and his gay lover there defended Blizzard after the initial announcement of Diablo Immortal. He had been slowly falling off for a long time before that though. He really doesn't know shit about games other then the physical collector aspect.

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