Have you been in a fight in your cunt

flag, no, in fact the only time i ever got to see someone fighting was when i was in middle school. they were REALLY bad at fighting though
i expect slav anons to have been in a lot of fights have you?

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yes, quite a few times

how did it go? did you learn any combat sport(wrestling, etc.) beforehand?

I won every time but I did take in some punches. I did judo for 3yrs too. I later got /fit in gym and now planning to learn how to box

>I did judo for 3yrs too
as a kid?

i got punched in the face and kicked in the stomach
cant breathe for good 3 minutes. tried to defend myself i swear but it was fast

from 12-16

by whom?

Haven't had a fight since high school
I remember in middle school i got transferred at the same time as another kid. The other boys basically made it so that we wanted to integrate ourselves in the group and be friends with the other we'd have to fight eachother. I didn't want to be the outcast and I had already made a couple friends who were rooting for me so I went with it, peer pressure is a real bitch.
I remember at least 50 kids gathered to watch the fight. We didn't have anything against eachother, the other kid was a bit cringe but we had no reason to throw hands except that the whole school got us to do it.
I won and had very normal and social middle school years (he didn't and got bullied quite often).

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Received a sucker punch from behind by a gyppo, didn't fight back because he wasn't alone and i didn't want to know if one of them carried a knife so i just left. If he was alone i would have probably fought back but usually gypsies aren't brave when alone so it's always a risk. I did some judo so I'm not afraid to fight back but I'm better at defending myself

Yeah a few times. Just dumb shit like getting caught up in fights at nightclubs as a rule though

> i expect slav anons to have been in a lot of fights have you
We aren't niggers why'd you assume that

makes you think

did he died?

Its very common here.

No he fought off the muslims hordes like a good Christian

>muslims hordes
are you sure? they look white

i been on one fight on the bus but it broke up before anything serious happened
saw a kid nicknamed "čiurka" (he was not asian i dont know why they called him that - he was just really poor) get into a fight with some kid that's 30cm taller than him, fight was over in 2 seconds and his backpack got thrown over past a fence into someone's backyard lmao. like 50 kids were walking home from school while this happened and everyone was laughing at čiurka
another time when i was in high school i went along with a group of like 10 following this bandit kid who caught some kid (again, like 40cm shorter than him), punched him in the stomach and hit his head into the (brick) wall. Apparently the little kid said something to his gf on facebook or something lmfao.

yes I have been in many fights. I have personally started like half of them lol because no one wanted too fight against me cause I got that tardrage from my 'tism making me near unstoppable in a fight.

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They look like muzdogs to me. I'll rewatch it

